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Pylones Hellas supports Hellenic Cyber Security Team 2021

By September 27, 2021 News

Pylones Hellas is a proud supporter and a Platinum Sponsor of the Hellenic Cyber Security Team efforts at the European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC), organized by ENISA, between September 28 to October 1, in Prague, Czech Republic.

Today, most countries lack sufficient IT security professionals to protect their IT infrastructure. The European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) is aimed at identifying new talent – by having national teams compete in a Cyber Security Challenge!

The European Cyber Security Challenge (ECSC) is an annual European competition promoted by the European Commission through ENISA, bringing together young people to compete in Cyber Security, aiming to uncover new InfoSEc talent within Europe. Top cyber talents from each participating country will meet in Prague to network and collaborate and finally compete against each other. Contestants will be challenged in solving security related tasks from domains such as web security, mobile security, crypto puzzles, reverse engineering and forensics and in the process collect points for solving them.

The European Cyber Security Challenge provides participants the opportunity to meet Europe’s best cyber security talent. It allows contestants to collaborate and network with domain experts, to grow and learn by solving complex challenges and to stimulate participants career and job opportunities by meeting industry leading organisations.

In this competition, young cybersecurity experts compete with each other by solving security related challenges, which require technical skills such as pen-testing, as well as soft skills in order to deliver a presentation. The activities of the ECSC are supervised by this Steering Committee, made out of representatives of the attending countries which are assigned by the European Union Agency for Cyber Security (ENISA).

For Greece, the role of Steering Committee member has been assigned from ENISA to the “Systems Security Laboratory of the Department of Digital Systems” of the University of Piraeus, represented by Prof. Christos Xenakis. The Greek National ECSC Team operates under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Digital Governance.

The Hellenic Cyber Security Team consists of 10 individuals (ages 14-25), high-school and university students, as well as researchers and professionals who excelled in the qualification rounds.

We are really proud of our National Cybersecurity Team and we deeply wish its members, All the Best!

Hellenic Cyber Security Team, let’s prove that we got IT!